Tuesday, 17 May 2011


My friends are having a new kitchen built. This means for several days they will be without a cooker and to bridge the time they were looking to borrow for a microwave not actually owning one themselves. I knew my in-laws had a spare in their so called wash house sitting in the corner on the counter right next to the cat dishes.

So on Sunday we went over to picked it up. The wash house had been smelling quite intensely for a while already and I had spotted a mouse trap in the kitchen earlier. So my husband was not overly surprised when a mouse jumped out of the back of the microwave when he lifted it up.

It was utterly disgusting. There were mouse droppings in the microwave, also inside the casing with lots of mouse urine spread generously abouts and smelling to high heaven.

At home I put the microwave in the yard immediately and went about cleaning it. In the end I had to more or less disassemble the whole thing to be able to wipe it down inside and out. I still haven't tried to switch it on to see whether our little friends haven't nibbled any vital wires.

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